
Member Since: 7-Aug-16
Location: US
Posts: 115
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Just getting started
What is this? "Share photo elsewhere with this link and earn Nudles???
I just posted my first two photos today and I am nervous as hell. lol. I have been trolling around for 2-1/2 years, so, I guess it is about time. My question is... What does this "Share photo elsewhere with this link and earn Nudles" mean? Thanks...

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Same Question
I have the same question. How does it work? I know you posted this four years ago. Hoping someone might have the answer? Thanks.

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Figured Out Part of It
Okay, so I did a couple tests. Works like YouTube. You can cut and paste, send link via e-mail etc. Not sure how to obtain Nudles, but it is certainly hot knowing your naked picture can be shared (within the limits you set, of course.)

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