
Member Since: 1-Mar-17
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Ticklish German Boss! M/M
My German Boss had put me down once too often so time for his humiliation and defeat or defeet would be more accurate. 6'1" Freddie Weismann is 27 and attractive, married to Marjorie and has worked for Dad's firm for 2 years and leaving high school I joined it a year ago and in that time he has treated me with contempt in every way, verbal insults when nobody around and given me the menial tasks in the office, no need for detail but enough to say treated me with no respect and a friend of Dad's and good at his job I knew Dad would maybe reprimand him but that would be all and have to say finding him handsome myself needed to find a different kind of revenge and knew what to do. Freddie regularly was entertained by hookers in a downtown sleazy hotel in Queens, NYC and treated them similarly and he favoured Darlene who even came to the office as a would be client but I'd gained info what her business was and had bided time and one afternoon had met her in the office parking lot and was upfront and for a fee she'd agreed to my proposal.

Anyway the plan worked and I'd waited in the foyer of the hotel for her return from the room that Friday night when Marjorie was upstate with the kids the weekend and Darlene told me he was ready in Room 604 as we'd agreed and took the fee and as agreed the plane ticket to her freedom back with family in Ohio and was glad to have helped her change her life as Darlene had ambition and now could pursue it back home having healed the rift with her family!

Heading to the room I was deliberately quiet entering it and there he was on the bed, blindfold, gagged and secured and naked but for briefs, socks and black shiny Oxford shoes which I slowly unlaced and pulled off revealing two secured upturned black socked size 12 soles. In black nylon socks, two perfect manly feet, his socks moist from being in shoes all day, dark sweat patches around the toes and heels! So excited I couldn't stop staring at his feet as he flexed his toes so my able to smell them too. He murmured something but I stayed silent so he'd imagine Darlene with him.

I could see his bare soles through the thin nylon which was so horny for me who is foot n' sock fixated and have been long as I can remember, guy's dicks, ass do nothing for me but a guy's feet have all the necessary appeal and Freddie being straight all the more so and why our private business arrangement works, in his interest to maintain it and definitely in mine! More later on these details! My face inches fom his feet as he flexed his toes the heat from them both a bonus eyeing his moistened socks as all I wanted was his feet to hold them, massage them, caress them, lick them, sniff them and tickle them and I would be! I sniffed both feet and let him hear it which made him verbally react, maybe humiliated that Darlene was by his masculine, stinky, sweaty socked feet as used to her being other places but time for his rude wake-up call I was so thrilled to be giving him!

"Evening Mr. Weismann, yes Freddie a change of plan, Darlene has had to leave but you have me to entertain you instead or in fact you to entertain me as she very informative about your disliking any attention to your feet, too sensitive but that's a real shame as nothing more exciting for me and until tonight only in fantasy, has been to imagine gaining my revenge sniffing your feet in these black executive socks which smell so musky and a foot stink that gets my dick hard, Mmmm deliciously smelly feet, not pungent but a healthy, manly smell Mmmm!"

"What's that can't hear you, no good squirming to escape, feet secured together you're going nowhere Mmmm your feet smell more raunchy than I'd imagined, often wondering how they smelled and felt trapped inside shoes n' socks and leaving socks on for now but Darlene told me you're feet horribly ticklish as she found the one and only time she ventured to massage them, how you soon stopped her as hating being tickled, in fact as you confided in her fearing it! That Step-Dad of yours to blame and later you'll tell me all about the tickle abuse you endured from him even if having to be tickle abused to do so but you will take that trip down memory lane!"

I could hear Freddie in a muffled voice saying "Noooooooooooo nooooooooooo please" making me smile and told him there was nothing to fear, it was afterall just a little tickle and very lightly stroked his right sole heel to toes which instantly made him jump as his foot wiggled like crazy so told him I believed in equal opportunities and stroked his left sole and then drew fingers the length of both soles simultaneously which drove him wild! I couldn't resist gripping the socked toes of each foot in turn and his socked soles smooth to tickle, going nowhere!

"Darlene's done a great job securing you Mr. Weismann Sir and your hell with your Step-Dad due to his addiction to tickling them didn't include other ways of enjoying them and so my pleasure will be initiating you, subjecting you to them and don't expect any leniency, consideration as you have enjoyed treating me like a piece of mud on your shoe but shoes that are off now and you so vulnerable, so helpless and the boots on the other foot except these feet only protected by amazing smelling black nylon socks which show the outline of your feet so perfectly, moulded to them like a second skin and so sensitive, a tickler's dream and feet I'm going to relish in indulging in tormenting and teasing smelling every inch of your feet!"

I took time to study both socked soles up close and squeezed and fondled them loving their warmth moistness and lightly stroked one sole then the other smiling as he tried to pull his feet away from being attacked sensing him feeling tense as I stroked his soles again and leaned forward and placed my nose to his sole and inhaled his aroma and felt the heat from his foot on my face, it's moistness as I deeply inhaled the masculine powerful aroma of his foot and told him it smelled amazing hearing a moan from him and not of pleasure but distress as he feeling so vulnerable which he was and not a position feeling comfortable being an alpha-male character making being in complete control of him all the more appealing. I enjoyed his stink by inhaling it slow and deep! After a time enjoyed with his right foot, repeated everything with his left driving him berserk!.

"How humiliated and embarrassed you must be feeling as being straight and knowing your feet are going to be violated by another man, you're going to be foot-raped and the strong, raunchy and musky smell of them really excites me so not going to save you from my enjoying them, to the contrary in fact as smelling of you, they're going to taste of you too as you can be sure I'm going to know your feet better than you do once I've tasted them, that's it wiggle them for me, quite futile trying to escape right Freddie, great seeing you try and quit the muffled pleading as a waste of time and energy now which foot first, yeah the right one!" I taunted

"Mr. Weismann on these feet all day I'm sure both very tired in need of relaxation and let's see if I have better luck massaging them than Darlene did, with the advatage you can't kick out at me but you're free to express your reactions to them being manhandled, yes manhandled and something that will excite me hearing as being hyper-ticklish knowing a thorough foot massage will drive you bonkers but that's the idea as like your Step-Dad I know I will soon be addicted to tickling your feet and you having to grow accustomed to it as Darlene has given me the names and numbers of call girls you've met and enjoyed yourself with and Marjorie and the heiress in the family after all I'm sure interested in hearing about them and your evening entertainments here at the 'Palais' so likely divorce and then Dad having a business and personal reputation to protect would likely have to fire you so the alternatives to my enjoying your feet when I dictate to as equally unappealing but perhaps the lesser of the other two evils and food for thought Freddie and to think about as you endure me taking full advantage of these feet tonight and all night Freddie!"

I loved hearing his garbled gasps and verbal reactions as I teased him even massaging his socked feet and feeling them both up not intending to tickle but succeeding in doing so as he really is super-sensitive all over his feet and socked do nothing to lessen his overt ticklishness though barefoot he really feels the tickle but super ticklish all over his feet I was more than content in massaging them both socked and alternated from a masseur touch to a lighter touch and loving his black nylon socked moist feet, the feel of their warmth, their ticklishness even when not deliberately tickled, even enjoyed just staring at them and told him so and at work there would be times in his office when having called me in with his usual dominant manner so as not to arouse suspicion, behind the door and gagged his feet played with usually socked but set nights after work socked and bare!

"Mmmm these sweaty socked feet smell awesome Freddie!" I said and gently, teasingly ran my fingers up n' down his socked soles making him instantly wiggled his toes hearing muffled laughter having a hard on instantly in being in full control of his feet and then showed him how adept I was using my lips, tongue and teeth to stimulate his socked feet and how he hated and hates this as it lickles and he just dislikes oral attention on his feet so at work often saturate his socked feet with saliva having long licks and nibbles on his feet and then see him in the office for the rest of the day in socks lubricated with his natural sweat and my saliva which makes me smile as he will sneer at me! Though learns that any disrespect to me will mean revenge taken with evil tickling in sessions alone!

I loved using my tongue all over his feet and nibbling on his socked toes and sucking on them and taunting him he could think of Darlene sucking his dick as he was given a blow-job on his toes and indulged in nibbling the balls of his feet, his insteps and heels as I also used my fingers to massage his feet! I taunting him my loving his socked feet feeling so warm, so moist to the touch and indulging in really milking abusing my Boss's feet, kneading each foot with my thumbs from his heels to his toes, just continually rubbing his manly feet saying it had to be his worst nightmare having another man with a worse foot-feish than his Step-Dad toying with his feet, his very ticklish feet!

"Mmmm the taste of your salty sweat is just Mmmm Mr. Weismann Sir and being underfoot to you my pleasure! Love tasting your alpha-male sweat as I guess you might say your feet dominating me as you enjoy doing, you might were you not such a pussy when your feet are played with, not an alpha-male at all when that happens but instead from tonight my 'Tickle-Bitch' " Saying this I drew my tongue along his socked soles from his heels to his toes and sucking the warm sweat from his socked feet as he still tried to evade it happening but told him he was fighting a losing battle as his feet were now my drug and I was addicted as I indulged in licking and lickling the length of each sole in turn and his violent reactions squirming around and laughing likea loon only encouraging me!

I breathed in his strong manly foot aroma again and then indulged in full on tickling his nylon socked feet in frenzied fashion, my fingers teasing every inch of them both then stopped and again indulged in pressing my face to his soles and breathing in his horny foot smell through his socks again then worked over each ticklish foot again individually, gripping the socked toes of a foot and running fingers over the sole up n'down, up n' down and repeated the tickling over and over again driving him nuts then stopped and resumed the tortuous tickling on his other foot and spent I guess 30 mins on each and then said that I needed to discern which foot the most ticklish socked and examine where the most sensitive part of his feet were as I would need to do again with his bare feet but we had all night! I am sure people can imagine the verbal reactions from him, even I guess swearing in German but he was clearly not happy but as I told him this was his problem having such super-sensitive feet.

I then indulged in tickling his left socked foot all over again and after indulging in tickle torturing his right socked foot began the examination and learned that Freddie's the most ticklish in the centre of his soles and across his arches, any tickling though he really hates as being so horribly sensitive on his feet and now as ordered wears black sheer socks as opposed to nylon as in them his feet even more horrendously sensitive. Under duress he has told me how his Step-Dad enjoyed tickling his feet as I do now both socked and bare but never with the same intensity and no oral action on his feet and only used one tickle tool but he mainly just used his fingers and was sworn to secrecy or the following tickle session be worse than the last and happening when his mother a nurse was on night-duty and continued until Freddie left home at 19yrs so enduring 3 yrs torment since his mother had met and married the man!

Even muffled my Boss screamed in ticklish agony as I indulged relentlessly in foot tickling his socked feet alternating from one foot to the other and stopping to massage his feet and indulging in telling him how I'd fantasised about his feet so now his feet being my feet he better get used to being my 'Tickle -Bitch' and again rubbed my face over his sweaty socked feet and just enjoyed telling him how I understood why his Step-Dad had found his feet such an addictive pleasure as I did too and his feet whether socked or bare were mine to assault with massages, lickles, tickles, suckles from now on and he could forget meeting ladies of the night on my watch. Marjorie the only pussy he'd be enjoying and with me just his feet enjoyed but might well invite a guy off line to join as seeing him forcibly sucked off or being edged would be fun and eventually jerked off his feet's ticklishness magnified and amusing to challenge the other guy to see who could make him laugh the most, yeah working on a foot each and alternating feet so he'd be in hysterical hell!

Hearing this Freddie freaked and this reaction so immediate and noted, it's something I'll be arranging happening soon as it's been three months since our arrangement began and he as hideously ticklish, often at work promises me promotion, pay-rises, weeks off fully-paid if I will call an end to it but in his office, he gagged and either socked or barefoot giving them a massage making him squirm and fighting reacting as I delight in telling him that when his feet don't feel right, smell right and taste right maybe but chances are their raunchy smell and ripe aroma not disipating and even if they did, not his insane ticklishness so he ought to quit asking for it to happen and alone invites a more furious and frenzied tickling as punishment!

Often using a tool he hates on his soft and saliva lubed soles, the electric toothbrush. The rotating bristles over his feet drive him demented as I tell him it's his fault having two soft n' ticklish feet and delight in making him scream though always gagged as don't want to be put off my stride hearing his screams but he's far from reacting like an alpha-male when the tickle tools are used on his bare feet. The sonicare, the feather, the pipe-cleaner which he detests drawn in between his toes and the plastic tined hairbrush but my favoured weapons of toment always my fingers and tongue as like to be hands-on with his feet. It also more humiliating for him as it's intimate as he knows I genuinely love his feet and find him attractive so I'm enjoying the two parts of him I find most sexually attractive! He's not offered yet but if he suggested my sucking his dick or even fucking him, I would refuse as not the slightest bit interested! As said I want to see him forcibly sucked and jerked off and played with but while I'm with his feet!

After a long time with both socked feet, it was time for the unveiling and did he freak out as I told him that I wanted to see his bare feet, muffled pleadings as very slowly I peeled off each sock and Mmmm that smell as both feet exposed and what a great looking pair of feet with his manly smell and I immediately started licking his bare soles and they tasted as ripe as I'd hoped in keeping with their raunchy aroma. My tongue licked the length of them savouring their salty taste and every toe was sucked and nibbled and my tongue slid in between his toes which was hellish for him, always is as barefoot he really is so horrendously sensitive! Both feet given a maddening tongue lashing in focused oral tickling of them which drove Freddie crazy! I delighted in licking his feet, thrusting my tongue in between his long toes and licking up and down the long soles and high arches as my Boss went wild with me licking one foot then the other ruthlessly lickling them! His toes flexing uncontrollably as he squirmed on the bed, clenching his toes of one foot so I licked the other foot switching and attacking without any rhythm or pattern consistently so Mr. Weismann was driven hysterical with laughter as his feet were subjected to every indignity I could apply with my tongue!

I fully indulged in suckling his toes and tickling both feet so he was going out of control from my teasing and tormenting him so tortuously! I told him that I was intent on subjecting his bare feet to an insane tickling as my fingers stroked up n' down the soles of his feet as I deeply inhaled their awesome smell! Tongue baths Freddie positively hates so indulge in affording each foot a thorough one in our sessions which last 3-4 hours but he's been told there will be all nighters from time to time and Marjorie often upstate as her mother needs help following a hip operation and in fact is due to be away three weeks a month from now and I have told Freddie that he'll have me for company and that's when I will be inviting other ticklers at random to partake in the tickle abuse being so very ticklish that he invites happening!

No tools used this our first night though but my fingers and tongue assaulting his feet mercilessly proved devastating for him which was what I wanted so he gave me complete satisfaction as action provoked reaction involunatary as it was and definitely our seesions non-consensual on his part, the torture proving to be as hoped by me; positively unbearable! My wiggling fingers connecting with the soles of Freddie's feet resulted as it always does; in uncontrolled giggling as his feet really are both so damn sensitive! I smile desperately tries to move his feet away from my tickling hands but impossible, all he can do is wriggle his feet and wiggle his toes! Mercilessly tickled and captive to his own hysterical laughter as he consistently makes futile attempts to evade the tickles and the lickles!

My indulging in sucking his toes slowly and sensuously, nibbling on them lightly in my mouth and licking along the length of his size 12 very Mmmm sweaty feet and told we will always meet after work when his feet will be hot n' sweaty, sucking on his toes never a pleasure for him as I remind him of how he'd much prefer somewhere else sucked by a woman but his feet were for my pleasure not his, all ten hot n' sweaty toes for my enjoyment licking and sucking on them then resuming licking up n' down the length of his bare soles and then in between his toes again! My telling him that first night I saw a ticklish-licklish future for us as he having such a fine pair of masculine looking , smelling and tasting feet! So warm, so moist and so mine to enjoy every way imaginable and mentioned the tickle-tools I'd be introducing them to which made him freak out as intended! We'd even play games like he having to guess which one I was using on his feet as he was going to learn how it felt being subjected to male dominance just as his Step-Dad had done!

I then just fondled his feet and squeezed them, not to tickle but ungagged him and told him it was time to tell me in detail how his Step-Dad enjoyed his feet and hesitancy inviting a severe tickling and over the next hour Freddie forced to confess and speak about the nightly abuse he'd suffered when his Step-Dad would enter his bedroom usually as he slept and rudely awaken him lifting the bedcover and stroking his soles and toes until he was awake and then secure both feet to the bed and indulge himself in a tortuous tickling attack of them both with devilish fingers and drive Freddie crazy. His Step-Dad most often drunk when indulging in the tickle abuse! He delivered a maddening light and slow touch from heels to toes and consistent loving seeing Freddie clench and splay his toes in reaction to the non consensual torment and also an ink dry felt pen was a favourite torture tool he was teased with especially under his toes!

Having told me of his suffering I re-gagged him and told him by way of menacingly whispering in his ear that he'd completely excited me and wanted and needed a taste of his feet and a deep sniffing of them both reminding him that his feet were my feet and remembering a place most licklish I licked across his arches which tasted awesome and then nibbled and sucked his toes and straight to the middle of the soles of his feet which licked drives Mr. Weismann demented, licked and stroked over the centre of his soles as he squirmed like a madman on the bed, great making him jump which invited me licking in between his warm toes, mine to delight in savouring! I licked under his toes and all along them and sucked on each of his toes individually, taking them into my hungry mouth and licking and nibbling them!

Resuming in delivering a frenzied tickling to his feet, every inch of them both and relishing in my position of power driving my Boss wild and then began to replace his socks and allowed him the false sense of security in imagining my foot lust satisfied that his ticklish-licklish ordeal was over but once socked I then reminded him that this our first session was an all nighter as I began fondling and massaging his socked feet and asked him which socked foot he thought the most sensitive as I'd forgotten; so would need to examine them both and find out and smiled as gasping his toes wiggled and he squirmed on the bed muffling pleas for me to let him go, leave his feet alone as it was too much!

I shocked him saying I was going to stimulate every nerve in his feet indulging in teasing and tomenting and torturing them over and over again with tickles as no less than he deserved and decided to replace his shoes and let them heat his feet up for an hour as I told him that I had many plans for his feet socked and bare using a variety of tickle tools and might even indulge in having tickle parties and inviting ticklers to illustrate to me their varied techniques inflicting torture tickling all over him but with a focus on his vulnerable, super-ticklish and licklish size 12 feet! Then after an hour very slowly began unlacing Freddie's shoes and took him on a trip down memory lane indulging is stroking the soles of his feet initally socked and later bare maddeningly slowly teasing and taunting him I appreciated why his Step-Dad had become addicted to enjoying his feet as I now was too!

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