
Member Since: 12-Jan-13
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Transferring Pictures from NBN to NDN
Hi there

Is it possible to transfer my photos from NBN to NewDudeNudes?

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Member Since: 12-Jan-13
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Considering more than 80% of the pics on NBN are unsuitable for NDN, I would hope not.
Sounds like a mod's nightmare to me.

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I wish there was provision for people to click on a link that says something like

"My photos are unsuitable for NBN but would be ideal for NDN. Please transfer my pix and premium membership."

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I meant AUTO-TRANSFER, of course. Like, let the site software do the transferring, not the poor bloody mods, lol

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Member Since: 12-Jan-13
Location: FR
Posts: 8
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Yes, it would definitely be something that the user should do, not the mods. I think we're all bright enough to judge for ourselves which pics go where

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