- akbuilder
Gift PremiumHealthy, sexually charged, unfulfilled!
- 74 years old
- Male
- Joined 8 years ago
- Active 5 months ago
akbuilder's Blog
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Sunday, July 24, 2022, 2:44:15 PM- “Club Dallas” | ||||||
After reading something about “gay saunas” somewhere online, I Googled (locally) and it came up with Club Dallas and a few other places in the metroplex. After thinking about it for a month or so I drove by one day on the way back from Buffalo and just looked at the outside (too chicken to go in). Then I thought “what the hell, I’m a grown man” so in I marched (feeling very out of place). As I opened the door, it was nicely cool inside (over 100 outside), clean, had no particular “odor”, the young guy at the window was very pleasant and answered a couple of (undoubtably stupid) questions. I didn’t have any time to kill that afternoon but I thought “this may be the answer to my “problem.” Ten days later, late on a Tuesday afternoon I was looking at 5 days of solo so I drove back over to Dallas, about 50 minutes depending on the flow of traffic. For a place as big as Dallas, this place couldn’t be any more convenient. I don’t know how close you might be to IH45 but Club Dallas is literally three blocks off the highway. I drive from FtW on 30, take 45 north for about a mile, hit the off ramp and I’m 3 blocks from Club Dallas. I parked right in front and in I marched. If you Google “Club Dallas” they have a nice website and the prices are marked (in a photo). A few dollars to get in and so much for a locker. The locker gives you a place to hang your clothes, shoes, etc. once you get naked. For a few more bucks you can get a “room”. Nothing fancy (at all). Rather like the room a hooker would have in a “house” to service her customers. But for a first time visit, I just opted for the locker. There is no visiting “incognito” either. And no sneaking out “unannounced” when you’re done. They take your drivers license to verify age and ID and put it in something like a safe-deposit box and give you the key. The one key for where your DL is held and a second key to your locker and both on an elastic cord to go around your arm, ankle, whatever. With the keys and a bath towel they give you (for whatever modesty you arrive with), in you go. The fellow at the window buzzes the door, you turn to your right, go through the door, turn left and you are IN Club Dallas! Inside, we’re inside and “ready to go”. Going straight ahead there’s a counter on the left with soda pop, bottled water, minor snacks (junk food). Turn to the right. First door on the left is the locker-room. Come on in. The lockers are what you’d expect in a high school of college gym. Grey metal, about 30” high, 15” wide and about 18” deep with a couple of hooks at the top for pants, shirt, etc. Off with the clothes now. If you wore your shoes in from the car this is the place to get them off and put on your flip-flops. Someone advised to take a pair of shower shoes or sandals you can get wet. Good idea! To facilitate the “changing activity” I leave my shoes in the car and wear my shower shoes into the building. Then it’s towel around the waist, close the locker, key on your arm and head to the shower. Once you put your clothes in the locker you’ll be short on pockets. The only things I went in with was my wallet and car keys. There are two showers in here but there are nicer ones on down the way. Back out in the hallway now. Straight ahead is the exercise area. Some nice exercise equipment in there. Ya need regular gym attire to use the equipment. On the right there are large windows that look in on the sauna and hot tub areas and on the left is the bathroom area (just like McDonald’s, etc. but cleaner). And turning right… A large TV on the right side and cushioned seating along the left side and tables for your snacks (or whatever). No food allowed to be brought in from outside. I bring a bottle of water and while I don’t flaunt it no one has said anything. On the right, another door and in here first is the hot tub. Big enough for probably 15 or 20 depending on how cozy you’d like to be and plenty deep. It feels sooo goood! A door on the left leads outside to the pool area. Before getting in the hot tub we’ll hit the showers (next on the right). There’s places to hang your towel and then move to an unused shower. I love the shower heads and the soap dispensers are on the wall. Hopefully you’ll be sharing some touching while you’re here today so we want to get everything nice and clean. Guys soaping and stroking their cocks. And with a palm-full of soap, wash between the cheeks. If you’re with a friend, maybe hold your cheeks open while he washes that area (this is sort of a different world in here). In high school you’d never stand in the shower room and actively “wash your cock” but here things are different. Someone’s going to stroke that FOR you in a while and you’d like it nice and clean. So, a nice shower to be squeaky clean and then into the hot tub. Getting out of the shower it always feels a little cool so step down into the waist deep water while everybody looks at your cock, find an empty spot around the edge where you can sit and relax and let the water work it’s magic. One afternoon there was a fellow sitting up on the edge and another, neck deep, servicing a lovely long cock. He’d suck and they’d talk for several seconds and then go back to “servicing”. It feels good to have our hips touching like this and there’s so much movement in the water no one notices when my hand moves over to stroke your cock. I sat “hip to hip” with a fellow last time I was there. I’d no sooner plunked my butt down on the bench and his hand was on my cock. Very nice! But, enough of this for the moment. Out of the water and back through the shower for a quick rinse. Skin cooling once again. Grab your towel and let’s step into the steam room to start drying. Hot in here but the steam feels so good. It just kind of wraps around you. Breath deeply. Yesssss. Look around the other side of the partitions. A place for a guy to sit back in here in the steam and maybe “enjoy himself”. Maybe even a toy to sit on and enjoy the warmth. Dry off a little if we’re not going to play in here and let’s head next door to the dry sauna. I like to sit in here for a few minutes, finish drying off and pull on my nipples a little. It would be wonderful to have someone take care of that while I stretch my foreskin. My nipples are not as pronounced as they were when we left the lockers but they will attract their share of attention once we get back to the maze. Coming out of the sauna we’re right at the open showers. There’s a fellow washing his friends cock. Looks like they’re both enjoying it. OK, enough of that for the moment, let’s head out to the pool and catch some rays. The pool is about 25 x 50 feet. Just a nice size to do laps if you REALLY wanted to. Not deep enough to dive but plenty deep for fooling around. There are numerous chaise lounges along this side of the pool for just laying back to enjoy the sun. If it starts to get too hot we just make a quick pass through the showers when we go back indoors. Across the pool there are three pergolas with nicer outdoor furniture and curtains you can draw if you’d like a little privacy. Laying here in the sunshine, it feels so warm on my balls. I spread my legs a little more and let them fall down between and wrap my fingers around my thickening shaft. I really don’t think anyone is noticing but the thought does feel good. Linger if you’d like, there may be a surprise awaiting you. But heading back to the darker area where the rooms and the mazes are located. The evening of the first “cumming” I had stopped at one of the “cubbies” to see what might be happening. I call them cubbies but there’s probably a better name. A little larger than a phone booth, big enough for two people with similar ideas. No place to sit down. A towel rack on the wall to get your towel out of the way momentarily (or to hang onto in a moment of extacy) and a “glory hole” opening into the next stall for those so inclined. These particular cubbies are open at the top back panel (probably 18” high). I had stepped into this particular one because I could see guys legs through that open top panel. The floor on the other side is about 3 or 4 feet higher than the cubby and when you look out, you’re right about at cock level. There were several pairs of legs that I could see and a semi rigid cock between each pair. I’m not really sure what was going on out there and any given “situation” may only last for a couple of minutes before it breaks up and people move on to differing venues. So, there’s a nice thick cock with its attendant hand about a foot away from the opening. I reached through with my gloved, Astrolube hand and lightly touched the inside of his thigh with the back of my fingers. Apparently, he looked down, saw the hand and immediately stepped closer so I could wrap my fingers around his cock. Now, a tight fitting rubber glove with Astrolube is absolutely super smooth and warm. I just did the kind of things I’d like done and his hips kept thrusting back and forth with small strokes and presently he was cumming in my hand (lots of it too). Knowing the sensitivity goes way up at that point I slacked off on the movements and pressure as he went soft in my hand. Presently he pulled out and was gone. I moved quickly down the way 20 feet or so (preserves the anonymity of the situation). I’d never seen another cock in orgasm before but it was really interesting to watch. Time for another rubber glove and some hand sanitizer (mounted on the walls) and mosey along to see what else is going on. Everyone has their own definition of “safety”. “Stuff” is spread through bodily fluids and openings in the skin. Except for the very bold (trusting) oral sex with condoms (supplied), hand jobs with a slick rubber glove. Even just sitting and watching the videos that play while you languidly stroke your own cock is an approved activity. You see lots of that. In that area with the raised floor are a “swing” where you can lay on your back with your legs up to be “serviced”, a kind of elongated “stool” where you can lay on your tummy so someone might see to your intimate desires and another larger stool where you could provide blow-jobs to anyone passing. But, back to the swing. Last time there was a fellow all laid back with a T shirt over his face. This is kind of an invitation to do “whatever you’d like” (just be gentle). So, I leaned over and slowly exhaled (hot breath) on his stomach. Ran the back of one hand up and down his thighs and pushed my face firmly into the crease of thigh and abdomen. My hands now beginning to fondle his balls, and then his cock. I didn’t take his cock for a blow-job but a little AstroLube on my fingers and a drop or two on his anus I began to slowly insert my index finger. A little in, a little out and then a little more in. Repeat! He’s starting to make the “feel-good noises” as I gently slid back and forth across his prostate. I continued to make “non-genital” contact with has lower abdomen and balls and started back in with two fingers. He really started to squirm at this point and we had an audience of three or four standing and slowly stroking. Knowing that someone would really be taking his ass in a few minutes I began to slow my finger movements and gently pulled out and moved aside. One of the “observers” moved to where I had been standing and I think he entered him on the first or second strokes. Leaving this area of the maze, you can wander up and down the darkened halls. An open door with the light off is most generally an invitation to “step inside”. Sometimes the occupant may want the door closed, other times it’s just left open. What happens in there is a mutual consent agreement. Maybe he’d like you to stroke his cock or finger his ass. Sometimes you look in an open door and the fellow is on his hands and knees, head down with his ass spread and toward the door. To me that’s a back rub, circling of his “place” and a good deep fingering. If I was younger with that “used to be” seven inches I could go deeper than my fingers could reach. Sometimes they want you to just stand by the bed so they can stroke your cock and massage your balls. It’s always different. So, that’s what happens at Club Dallas and each time I go the activity is different. Sometimes it’s just a lot of guys doing their own thing (sometimes you hear on orgasm in progress). The first time I went I didn’t do anything but just being around that many naked cocks felt so freeing. Obviously, results may vary! Next visit I bought the 6 month pass. Going has taken the “pressure” off of “not getting it at home”. No “intimate” contact without a condom (oral, etc,) but lots of hand action! In the dim light of the Maze even without touching or being touched, just being around a number of guys (younger and older), towels or not, seeing all of the cocks has been a “freeing” experience. I go once or twice a week now for a few hours and really enjoy the freedom that “cums” from watching the TV screens and gently stroking in the presence of others. I’m experiencing more stroking of other cocks now and being stroked as I get the “hang” of it. Two guys have cum in my hand (an exhilarating experience). No direct oral contact. Condoms are provided along with hand sanitizer. A room with an open door is generally an invitation to step inside and partake in some mutual pleasures. I was against moving here to Texas but now finding Club Dallas has softened my personal “resentment” a great deal knowing that I’ll be going back over there in a few days. Walking among others in the dimly lit areas and seeing them fondling their cocks is “soothing” in some undefined way. Occasionally there’ll be a pair (or more) that are actively participating with several others either watching or waiting their “turn”. My nipples are quite pronounced when excited so I sometimes gently pull and roll on one while seeking a “playmate”. A “taker” will usually reach out and touch the other nipple. Game on! I can’t wait to get back over there in the coolness of the dim lighting with my fingers, bathed in Astrolube, wrapped around a wonderfully firm cock. | ||||||
Saturday, July 9, 2022, 12:42:01 AM- Not Gettin’ Any! | ||
Until my wife finally conceded (5 or 6 years ago) that she just wasn’t interested in sex anymore I was an absolute “straight-arrow”. I had always held all manor of thoughts and ideas about guys being gay (and gals as well, being “lesbian”. No bad thoughts, just different”. I’m older and to me being gay was always a level of happiness. I mean, hell, “We’ll ALL be gay when Johnny comes marching home.” But in all reality maybe that should be “when Johnny cums”. Be that as it may, once that “lack of interest” was “published” I was left pretty much high-and-dry. It’s one thing for one partner to announce “I don’t want to do ‘that’ anymore” and where does that leave the mate. At my age I can’t raise a full erection anymore but everything else (physical and mental) is there and rarin’ to go. Once that bit of information was dropped I eventually began to think of possible “possibilities” (including NDN and NTN as well). So over the past three or four years my interest has turned almost exclusively to cocks. I found a cross-dresser “wanna-be” on NTN living in the area and we met a few times. The meetings were an hours drive for each, short and cramped (back seat of the Tahoe). I’d seen references to “gay saunas” and “gay bathhouses” but never thought much about it. But one day, I Googled “gay bath house, DFW” and the clock started ticking. I found a place listed as “gay owned for 40+ years” with a great list of user comments. I drove by Club Dallas a few times doing a couple of different errands and just looked at the outside (too chicken to go in). Found a convenient parking spot out front one afternoon and decided “what the hell, I’m a grown man.” As I opened the door, it was nicely cool inside (over 100 outside), clean, had no particular “odor” (don’t ask), the young guy at the window was very pleasant and answered a couple of (undoubtably stupid) questions. I didn’t have any time to kill that afternoon but I thought “this may be the answer to my “problem.” | ||
Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 11:35:04 PM- Finding a place! | ||||||
Well, the two of us want to find a place to get naked together and make it happen. We each have to travel an hour to meet (in the middle of the day) but after a few cramped sessions in the back of the Tahoe we want MORE! But WHERE? A motel room is certainly doable ($$$) but places don’t allow checkins till after 2 or 3 and they want you out by 11 in the morning. Paying for a room just for the few hours we’d use it (11AM till 2PM) isn’t a problem (for us) but motels don’t work those hours. So, we’re really looking for suggestions. What say you, you vast warehouse of carnal knowledge. Can’t go to either of our houses, don’t have access to an RV and we’re about at wits end. I want him really bad and the feeling is mutual. Any help? | ||||||
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