Gift PremiumEnjoy using nudist beaches when on holiday. Like watersports (Golden Showers) and love to feel the splash of golden nectar over myself, enjoy BDSM using Nettles over my naked body. Like nude fun in the male sauna I use in Nottingham (Wolf Spa), Derby (CS1 was City Steam sadly is now closed along with CS2 in Nottingham) enjoy using Mansfield (ClubZeus), which was the first gay sauna I visited when originally named Zeus. Enjoy having my nipples played with and rubbed by a hard cock or two. Love to use my long foreskin for Docking with others and cock2cock fun, also like Estim fun too. Like to Cam naked on NN/NDN/Fabguys and zoig Sites as well, pm me for the Profile names I use if you fancy taking a look. Sadly I'm unable to use skype any more due to very poor signal quality which keeps freezing the image whenever I'm online ! Friend requests are welcome ! I'm also on UK Fabguys Site using the same Profile name as on here. Please take a look at my Gallery on the Sister site of NN under my Profile name of alley52cat and also a few photos and videos on xhamster, using the alleycat52 Profile name. Sorry I'm unable to post 'tributes' as I don't have a printer !
- 73 years old
- Male
- Joined 11 years ago