- mowingman26
Gift PremiumHard working, fun, and very sexual.
- 38 years old
- Male
- Joined 7 years ago
- Active 23 days ago
mowingman26's Status Updates


Thankyou very much for your feedback. You embody the reasons I put myself so openly on display. At the risks of sounding conceded; I realize that my body physically is just stunning in almost every wa

2 years ago


Please view my latest video....no one has viewed it for some reason. Please watch it. I need to be exposed, I have to have as many people as possible view it as possible. Thanks, Wes.

2 years ago
3 comments (show all)

I love your vids! You really stretched yourself in that one but love how your hole returns to such a tight ring straight afterwards 🤩🍩🍆

2 years ago


Thankyou very much for your feedback. You embody the reasons I put myself so openly on display. At the risks of sounding conceded; I realize that my body physically is just stunning in almost every wa

2 years ago

6 years ago
3 comments (show all)
playingwithit2, Dildoguy and atlas_shagged
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... then after Sunday “Supper,” y’all, Daddy will play in the “back door garage” ALL afternoon, while the little-lady goes _shopping_!!

6 years ago
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6 years ago
3 comments (show all)
jizztaker, Manlover100 and dfdarthur
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